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Norbert J. Heikamp

Conference interpreter and translator

Norbert J. Heikamp with Franck Ribéry

Norbert J. Heikamp with Franck Ribéry


“The limits of my language are the limits of my world.”

(Wittgenstein, Tractatus logico-philosophicus, Satz 5.6, Kegan Paul 1922)

Simultaneous interpreter and translator since 1980 for German, French and English as well as passively Italian.
Since 1987 sworn interpreter and translator for all courts of North-Rhine / Westphalia for German, English and French.
Co-author of a two-volume textbook for students of macro- and micro-economics specialized in Real Estate Management : “Focussing on Real Estate – Englisch für die Immobilienwirtschaft“.
(See “References & Publications“)