Consecutive Conference Interpreting
…is the right decision for you, when you meet your foreign partners in small groups. Deliberately, you refrain from conference technique, because you want the immediate and authentical contact. Especially in confidential negotiations, work groups, business dinners, receptions etc.
We translate consecutively after your individual contributions with the inconvenient that your meeting would last twice longer than if you decided to have a simultaneous translation. But with the advantage that you always have the opportunity to reflect your strategy during the translation.
Consecutively, we translate the following languages:
German – English and vice versa
German – French and vice versa
English – French and vice versa
For other languages, we can also offer qualified teams.
We are mainly specialised in the following fields:
- Economis (National economics / Business management)
- Law (Civil law, Trade law, Company law, Tax law, Company merging)
- Technique (Mechanical industry, Processing engineering, Plant engineering, Electronic data processing)
- Housing, Urban and Space Planing
- Architecture
- Social Sciences (Sociology, Psychology)
- Educational sciences
- Literature, Linguistics
- Culture
- Politics